The mobile revolution: How smartphones are transforming business productivity

Rewind 17 years ago to 2007 and the iPhone was new to the scene, ‘modern day working’ was emailing from a desktop or laptop computer and a large number of offices still had the trusty fax machine as a staple for sharing important documents.

Fast-forward to the present day and it is clear to the see the technological evolution that has taken place before our very eyes. Walk into the vast majority of corporate offices now and you will see laptops replacing desktop computers, tablets replacing pen and paper and not a fax machine in sight.

The unsung hero in all of this and the glue that holds most businesses together today…the smartphone.

The mighty rise of the mobile

According to Statista, by the end of 2023 almost 70 per cent of the world’s population were smartphone users1 with this figure jumping to 94 per cent when looking at the UK alone2.

Single handedly the functionality and capabilities of iPhones and similar devices have transformed the way businesses operate and employee productivity – from multiple calendars, cloud sharing, video calling apps, and voice notes to name just a few, smartphones have been a game changer for almost every single sector in UK business.

Not convinced? Visit three of your local restaurants in the coming months and chances are at least one of them will be taking your order from a mobile device, which will almost definitely be linked up to a wider tablet/software system within the business, enabling it to gather some incredibly valuable analytics.

A productivity powerhouse

Once upon a time, a very basic phone would be handed out by employers so they could reach their team on call or text, whereas today we see the vast majority of businesses investing in smartphones for their employees, recognising the advantages they provide in terms of productivity and connectivity.

Placing power in the palm of your hand, smartphones have unlocked a new way of working, facilitating; mobile working, working on the go, working abroad, working in transit and so much more.

Here are just three features that iPhones have as standard that truly boost business productivity:

  • Notes photo to PDF convertor – perfect for sharing important documents, signed contracts and written notes with colleagues and clients, the iPhone notes app enables you to scan a physical piece of paper and then saves it as an incredibly crisp and high quality PDF. All you need to do is open a new note, hit the camera icon and then select ‘scan document’s and the rest is self-explanatory
  • Pages (the orange icon with the white pen) – is standard on all Apple devices and is the perfect app for taking any meeting notes or completing a piece of work while on the move. In addition, it has the ability to add collaborators to contribute to the document in real time and once complete can be exported as PDF, word, image, RTD and more.
  • Key note – similar to the above but for presentations. You can collaboratively create animated presentations in real time, starting from scratch or selecting from one of the many preset themes already available. It couldn’t be simpler!

Why Kynex?

At Kynex we pride ourselves on being able to advise on the very best communication solutions for you and your business, recognising the integral role they play in the success and smooth running of your operations. Our team of experts are perfectly placed to advise on the best mobile and tablet devices to boost the productivity of your team, with a dedicated account manager taking you through the process and highlighting the very latest models in the market.

Reach to our team today.

